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Pollinators in Peril; Native Plants to the Rescue! Native Gardening 101 and Native Plant Giveaway In-Person
The earth is experiencing a biodiversity crisis and we can help by choosing native plants! This presentation will discuss why native plants are important and showcase shrubs and flowers that are especially easy to grow. As an added bonus, natives require less care (they're drought resistant!), and you will be delighted with the butterflies and birds they bring! This workshop is perfect for beginners.
Speaker Deb Ellis, founder and leader of the Essex County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey, makes it easy to understand how to grow a native garden. She will discuss why native plants matter and why you should include them on your property. You will learn which shrubs and flowers are best for your growing conditions. In addition to bringing color to your garden, native plants are a delight for the butterflies and birds they attract. This program is presented in collaboration with the Friends of the Library and the Westfield Green Team.
Native Plant Giveaway - Attendees can enter a free door prize drawing to win a native plant kit to be picked up on May 4th at Brightwood Day, the family festival sponsored by the Friends of Brightwood Park and the Westfield Green Team. The drawing, conducted by the Garden Club of Westfield, is funded by an Operation Wildflower award from the National Garden Club. The plants will be sourced from the Great Swamp Watershed Association's annual Plants for Pollinators Native Plant sale.
Register below for in-person attendance. Or watch the livestream.